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Josh Nuttall

Josh Nuttall

A deep thinker, synthesiser & learner. I have a fascination for people, sustainability, technology and data. Craft enabler and listener.
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Reimagining electrical power supplies

Josh Nuttall
February 17
It’s incredibly easy to lay blame, rather than doing the hard work and pushing oneself to think about how you might be able to contribute to viable solutions.
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Asking better questions

Josh Nuttall
January 18
How might we recognise the relevance of spatial context, with out letting it curtail the muscle of imagination?
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Crafting puzzle pieces

Josh Nuttall
October 21
I have a deep curiosity for understanding how things work. The search for answers has led to me engage/refine/improve my intuition through asking questions and listening to the feedback.
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Capturing the imagination of generations that have gone before us

Josh Nuttall
October 13
Learning from the experience of others and harnessing the collective power that memory holds. Deep knowledge, rituals, and natural rhythms in indigenous practices.
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Exploring uncorrelated thinking

Josh Nuttall
September 21
Uncorrelated thinking? Is that a typo or are my eyes just a bit tired which means that I am muddling some of the words up.
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Seize the serendipity

in a world of abundance humans naturally gravity to the familiar... the primary reason of why I feel an urge to encourage us to seize the serendipity.
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Lessons gained from engaging in acts of reciprocity

“How can we help one another” is a powerful question as it recognises how interconnected the world truly is.
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Notes of gratitude

How we can pay it forward to others? Gratitude to those who have believed in me when I didn’t yet believe in myself.
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The world is in the dire straits of a leadership crisis

It’s begging for us to learn from the views of different generations and to actively work together on solving this leadership crisis.